Brushing & Food: Keys to Maintaining Your Cat's Oral Health

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Find a dog food that fits your pet’s needs

Find a cat food that fits your pet’s needs

Did you know that brushing your cat's teeth is just as important as brushing your own? According to the American Veterinary Dental Society, 70% of cats show signs of oral disease by age 3. Brushing your cat's teeth is easier if you follow this step-by-step guide.

Poor oral health often begins with a buildup of sticky plaque that, if not removed, hardens to form tartar. This can impact the health of your cat's teeth and gums.

Signs of a Problem:

  • Bad breath
  • Yellow or brown buildup on teeth  

Always consult your veterinarian if you have questions about your cat's health.

What can you do?

If you aren't able to brush your cat's teeth every day, you should consider feeding her a cat food specially-formulated to provide dental benefits.

A smart choice is Hill's® Science Diet® Adult Oral Care cat food, precisely balanced nutrition for adult cats that also provides protection from plaque and tartar buildup.

  • Clinically-proven to reduce plaque and tartar buildup
  • Proprietary fiber technology works like a toothbrush during meals
  • Larger-sized kibble scrubs plaque and tartar from the surface of teeth
  • Freshens breath
  • Ideal levels of vitamins and minerals to maintain strong, healthy teeth

Science Diet® Adult Oral Care

Hill's® Science Diet® Adult Oral Care cat food provides precisely balanced nutrition with enhanced oral care benefits. It is made with high quality ingredients and an ideal combination of nutrients and clinically proven antioxidants for superior overall health. It also has a clinically proven, interlocking fiber technology that helps scrub teeth and reduce plaque build-up.
Click here to learn more.

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